LeoCardin contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
LeoCardin herbal drops are used as a dietary supplement based on a mixture of plant extracts. Motherwort herb contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Our heart is constantly pumping blood that gives us life. When the arteries that carry blood are damaged, become too narrow, stiff or clogged, our blood pressure rises. Blood pressure is considered to be high when it goes over 140/90 mmHg. The upper pressure – systolic – is the result of contraction, i.e. a spasm of the left ventricle, and the lower – diastolic – is the result of pressure while the aortic valves are closed. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is one of the most insidious disorders. Most people who have it are not even aware of it; it is directly caused and exacerbated by obesity, alcohol, tobacco, unhealthy diet, excessive salt intake, insufficient sleep and rest.
Hypertension can cause a number of additional disorders; in addition to heart attacks, strokes and the formation and rupture of an aneurysm (expansion of the wall of blood vessels), it can also lead to kidney failure or damage to the fundus of the eye. Hypertension in the middle-age increases the risk of dementia later in life. Heavy, fatty foods, fried and highly processed foods in particular, and a sedentary lifestyle raise the level of cholesterol and triglycerides, which accelerate the ageing process of blood vessels and the formation of plaque.
The risk of cardiovascular disorders increases after the age of 40. Men on average suffer from coronary disorders ten years earlier than women, and are twice as likely to have a heart attack.
When the heart does not pump enough blood, the symptoms are weakness and dizziness, shortness of breath even with minimal activity, swelling in the legs, joints and feet, rapid or uneven heartbeat, as well as coughing and wheezing in the chest.
The most common ailments and disorders of the cardiovascular system are:
- high blood pressure – hypertension
- low blood pressure – hypotension
- elevated cholesterol
- heart attack and post-cardiac arrest conditions
- angina pectoris
- heart rhythm disorders
- circulation problems
- infections caused by coxsackie and other viruses
LeoCardin herbal drops are named after motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) and leocardin, a diterpenoid compound that is one of the medicinal ingredients in the drops, in addition to flavonoids, phenols, sterols and tannins. The German Commission E has approved the use of this medicinal plant for heart palpitations, and the European Medicines Agency mentions its use for nervous tension and symptoms of heart palpitations, including tachycardia. Leonurine, a pseudoalkaloid found in motherwort, has been proven to have a cardioprotective effect, as its Latin name suggests. One Far Eastern study has proved that motherwort has an antioxidant and cardioprotective effect in myocardial ischemia; in fact it provides better protection than standard therapies, including vitamin C. In this way, this plant also helps in recovery after myocardial infarction – it significantly reduces damage, especially in the acute phase. Flavonoids from this plant stimulate the production of nitrogen monoxide in the body, something that relaxes blood vessels and stimulates circulation. Motherwort has a hypotensive effect, so it is useful for the treatment of high blood pressure. In addition to calming heart palpitations, it also helps with digestive disorders, bronchial asthma, menopausal symptoms and amenorrhea, as well as external wounds and skin inflammation, all thanks to its antibacterial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
The European Medicines Agency mentions it as an aid to combat mental stress and insomnia, and interesting research has shown that lemon balm has a mild protective effect in cardiac arrhythmias. This medicinal plant affects the properties of the heart’s electrical conductivity in a similar, but no less weak way than synthetic drugs used for the treatment and prevention of arrhythmias, ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Unlike them, there are no side effects. It is believed that lemon balm has this effect thanks to alkaloids – saponins and glycosides. It also contains flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenes, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid, which act as very powerful antioxidants. As there are indications that free radicals increase in ischemic tissue during reperfusion, these valuable ingredients can effectively eliminate them and prevent further damage.
Veronica – heath speedwell has been proven to have antimicrobial action due to the abundance of phenols and flavonoids. As a powerful antioxidant, Veronica destroys free radical cells and protects against oxidative stress. One study mentions the valuable ingredients of veronica and their antimicrobial powers, effective especially against Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria ivanovii, thanks to which this plant protects not only the heart from endocarditis, but also the whole body. In addition to protecting the cardiovascular system, Veronica has a protective effect against ulcers and also helps with respiratory, gastrointestinal and urinary tract problems.
Mistletoe contributes to the normal heart function and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The most important effect of this extremely medicinal plant is immuno-stimulatory: it stimulates the immune response at the cellular level and selectively attacks and destroys cancer cells, using its viscotoxins, cardiotonic peptides and lectins. Thanks to this clinically proven property, mistletoe protects not only the cardiovascular system but also the overall immunity and prevents the growth of pathogenic cells.
Horsetail has a strong proven diuretic effect, stimulates the expulsion of accumulated fluid from the body and metabolism, which is especially important in congestive failure that causes oedema – swellings in the limbs. The European Medicines Agency mentions its use against urinary retention, urinary tract infections, for kidney cleansing, oedema, as well as additional therapy in weight loss diets, while the German Commission E emphasises its use for urinary tract infections and kidney and bladder stones.
All the valuable properties of the medicinal herbs in Leocardin drops nourish and strengthen the heart. They are there to help us after a heart attack, after debilitating diseases and viral infections that weaken the heart muscle. Acetylcholine, present in these medicinal herbs, acts as an antihypertensive and parasympathomimetic drug, it balances blood pressure by lowering high blood pressure and raising low blood pressure. At the same time, choline has a lipolytic effect, it breaks down fats, slows down their deposition on the walls of blood vessels and the formation of irregularities on their inner lining, which significantly stops the process of arteriosclerosis. Increased elimination of fluids from the body relieves the body of pressure and regulates circulation, which is effective against various swellings and arterial hypertension. Minerals in the medicinal herbs improve the flexibility and elasticity of blood vessels, something that also improves circulation; they normalise blood pressure, circulation and heart rhythm, and slow down the ageing of blood vessels.
LeoCardin herbal drops are a completely natural preparation, without added artificial substances, preservatives, dyes and hormones. When used properly alongside regular medical check-ups, they can be used indefinitely.
Leocardin is a gluten-free product, manufactured in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice, in compliance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015 standards and HACCP quality control systems.
LeoCardin herbal drops were entered into the register of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia, number 515-04-3701/2020-10 on 15 June 2020, on page 1665, under the number 16642 on 15 June 2020.
We have asked our users to describe their experience with Leocardin herbal drops:
I started taking Leocardin after a heart attack, alongside all the prescribed medications. My experience with it is very positive; after a couple of days of taking it I felt that I had more strength, and in my first subsequent visit to the cardiologist he told me that I had made a very quick recovery.
I suffer with blood pressure issues; it used to often go up to 170/120, and once after being so high, it suddenly dropped to being very low. I didn’t have chest pains, I just felt very weak, I couldn’t stand on my feet, so my daughter took me to the Accident and Emergency Department and the doctor said I was in pre-cardiac arrest phase. When I came out of the hospital, I started taking Leocardin drops in addition to what the doctor prescribed. I attended hospital check-ups very often then, and each time my blood results were better, and my blood pressure was returning to normal. I haven’t stopped taking these drops, it’s been a year and a half, my systolic blood pressure is now 120-130, I’m sure that the drops have saved me.