When used according to the recommended method of use, our preparations can be used indefinitely – i.e. until satisfactory results are achieved.
Frequently Asked Questions

YES, you can use our preparations with another therapy because there are no contraindications and side effects when used with other drugs or auxiliary drugs. You must not change the therapy (medication) prescribed by your doctor on your own initiative.
YES, our preparations can be used by diabetics because they do not contain sugar or any other substances that can worsen the condition in diabetics. Only the DISAN product contains honey and for that reason we do not recommend it to diabetics.
The first results are visible after the first week of use.
All our therapies can be used preventively. We recommend using monthly therapies once a year.
The preparation can be used with:
menstrual disorders
ovarian cyst
uterine fibroids
painful menstruation, already from the first menstruation
PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome
fibrocystic changes in the breasts
female infertility – sterility
wounds on the cervix uteri
Femisan A exists in the form of drops and capsules.
Lady’s mantle, yarrow, marigold, red geranium – in drops and capsules; raspberry leaf, primrose fruit – in drops; shepherd’s purse and golden maca – in capsules.
The therapeutic dose of drops is 60 drops 2 times a day, preferably before meals, in half a glass of water. The drops are used in two-month or three-month cycles with two-week breaks.
The therapeutic dose of capsules is 2 capsules 2 times a day, preferably before meals. The capsules can be swallowed directly or the contents can be dissolved in a glass of water, hot tea or juice. They can be used for a long period of time without a break, until satisfactory results are achieved. After three months of use, it is enough to make a break for two weeks and, if the capsules are used continually for six or more months, you should make a break for a month.
As Femisan A stimulates microcirculation, a slight tingling sensation in the lower abdomen may be felt at first. That is a good sign that the preparation is working. It is important to continue with the regular use of the preparation.
Femisan A drops contain a minimal dose of medical alcohol of plant origin that cannot cause any negative effects. Femisan A capsules do not contain alcohol.
If the therapeutic dose is used, one bottle of Femisan A drops lasts 5-7 days, while 1 box of capsules lasts 15 days.
Femisan A has a beneficial effect on ovarian functions, it restores the hormonal balance, stimulates ovulation and strengthens the uterine wall. Doctors recommend it as a preparation for conception and during the process of in vitro fertilization.
The result is individual and very much depends on the problem that is the obstacle to conception. What is important with natural preparations is regular use over a long period of time. For couples who are trying to achieve pregnancy, we also advise Alfa Aktiv for men, which balances testosterone levels, increases the number spermatozoids and sperm motility.
Yes, the preparation is used throughout the cycle, and it should not be used during pregnancy. Femisan A will not harm the foetus, but it is not used during pregnancy for the simple reason that there is no need for it. Different mechanisms work in pregnancy and there is no need to add anything, unless the doctor who monitors the pregnancy prescribes it.
When it comes to endometriosis, Femisan A has a beneficial effect primarily with its anti-inflammatory effect, and it mitigates the pain that accompanies this disorder. There is also evidence that flavones can reduce the enzyme that converts androgens to oestrogens, which leads to the alleviation of symptoms caused by endometriosis. Flavona, among other things, is found in parsley, which is found in Femisan A drops.
Femisan A contains a large percentage of lady’s mantle, which is an astringent and as such it is recommended against heavy bleeding. It is also useful for relieving menstrual pain. Lady’s mantle extract inhibits angiogenesis, i.e. the growth of new blood vessels.
The already mentioned angiogenesis is a process that accelerates the development of some diseases such as fibroids (fibroids) and endometriosis. As with endometriosis, lady’s mantle extract has the ability to prevent the growth of new blood vessels, thus preventing the formation of new fibroids, stopping their growth or reducing the existing fibroids. Also, due to the presence of achilein from yarrow, as well as tannins from lady’s mantle and shepherd’s purse, it alleviates the prolonged and heavy bleeding that fibroids often cause. It is recommended to use a therapeutic dose of 2 × 2 capsules in a period of 3-6 months, after which it is necessary to have a check-up examination and repeat the therapy after a break of 2-4 weeks. If drops are used, the required dose is 2 × 60 drops, and a two weeks break should be made every 2-3 months.
Femisan A is very effective in cysts and acts primarily by establishing the hormonal balance, and it quite quickly causes the cyst to rupture or resorb. It also stimulates microcirculation in the area of the ovaries and prevents the formation of cysts that are a consequence of circulatory problems. When it comes to PCOS, the most important thing is persistence. It is a disorder that often returns, so it is necessary to use the drops regularly and for a longer period and, when it seems that the problem is solved, you should continue with a preventive dose for some time.
Femisan A, with its anti-inflammatory effect, as well as the lady’s mantle effect on strengthening the uterus and uterine ligaments, can contribute to solving the problem of clogged fallopian tubes, but only as an aid. It is recommended to do a HSG – imaging of the fallopian tubes, which in itself can improve the patency of the fallopian tubes.
Femisan A does not contain artificial hormones or preservatives. It is a completely natural preparation, without any contraindications.
The oldest patient who used Femisan A was over 90 years old. The drug can help with cysts that can sometimes occur after menopause. In perimenopause, we recommend a combination of Femisan A and B: Femisan A contributes to cycles being more regular, has an anti-inflammatory effect and eliminates other gynaecological problems, while Femisan B reduces nervous system irritation, eliminates hot flashes, nervousness and insomnia. Femisan A and B are simply combined by pouring 30-40 drops of each into half a glass of water and drinking it twice a day.
Yes, if it is easier for you to take the capsules once during the day and the drops the second time, you can combine them. In that case, 2 capsules are used in the morning and 60 drops in the evening.
Femisan A can be combined with contraception, but then we recommend a slightly lower dose, 2 × 30-40 drops, or 2 × 1 capsule.
Yes, girls can use the product from the first menstruation. Femisan A helps to establish a regular cycle and hormonal balance faster. It is also excellent as a prevention of polycystic ovaries and endometriosis, which affect girls much earlier now.
Yes, because acne is often caused by a hormonal imbalance. With regular use of Femisan A, the skin becomes cleaner and sebum secretion is regulated.
If you have not found an adequate answer or have additional questions, contact us.