ALFA AKTIV capsules

ALFA AKTIV is used as a dietary supplement for adult men.



SKU: 8606106734072
How to use / recommended use:  take 2 capsules once or twice a day before meals.


Damiana leaf dry extract (Turnera diffusa) 4:1 – 500mg
L-carnitine – 200mg
Acetyl-L-carnitine – 195mg
Zinc (zinc citrate trihydrate) – 5mg


Alfa Aktiv capsules is used as a dietary supplement for adult men; it contains damiana extract, zinc, L-carnitine and acetyl L-carnitine. Zinc contributes to normal fertility and reproductive functions and it maintains normal testosterone levels in the blood. Damiana, a herbal aphrodisiac, contributes to sexual health.

A sedentary lifestyle, fatty foods and stress have a major impact on men’s health. Obesity has nowadays assumed the proportions of an epidemic; excess fat, especially visceral fat in the body, increases the secretion of estradiol among other things, which disrupts the function of testosterone.

Problems faced by an increasing number of men are:

  • erectile dysfunction
  • low sperm count and low motility of sperm
  • low testosterone levels
  • infertility
  • low libido
  • depression
  • hypertension, elevated levels of cholesterol and triglycerides
  • metabolic syndrome and obesity

Male infertility often occurs due to the insufficient production of semen and problems in their transport. This can be a consequence of congenital disorders, frequent inflammation in the testicles area, chronic diseases, infections or circulatory disorders in the genitals.

Numerous studies (have confirmed an association between erectile difficulties and cardiovascular disease, as basically both are connected to circulatory problems. Moreover, erectile dysfunction can be the first warning sign that something is wrong with blood vessels.

Alfa Aktiv contains L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine, an amino acid that plays the key role in the metabolism of fats and their utilisation as a source of energy, and has been proven to help solve the problem of erectile dysfunction, and contributes to the maturation and better motility of sperm. This amino acid plays a role in improving sperm motility in the ejaculate, as confirmed by scientific studies. Some clinics use it for the treatment of testicular atrophy. In addition to increasing energy levels, acetyl-L-carnitine helps prevent heart disease and diabetes; it protects the nervous system and contributes to healthy brain function, thus increasing concentration and memory, and also contributes to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. As it is important for metabolism, it also affects the reduction of body fat and the increase of muscle mass.

The precious ingredient of Alfa Aktiv is damiana (Turnera diffusa var. Aphrodisiaca Willd) which has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and is best known as a natural aphrodisiac; modern research has confirmed the positive role that this plant plays in improving sexual performance. In addition to increasing libido, damiana brings oxygen to the cells, which acts as a mental stimulant and anxiolytic. Damiana in Alfa Aktiv contributes to hormonal balance, promotes the circulation of body fluids in the genital area and the health of the urinary tract. It also has an adaptogenic effect and helps the body cope with the negative effects of stress.

The active components of damiana dilate blood vessels, thus alleviating the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and maintaining the stability of erection during intercourse. Damiana extract has been proven to improve sexual performance by the action of nitric oxide (NO) molecules, a powerful vasodilator, which shortens the period after the first ejaculation and accelerates the achievement of the second in a series of ejaculations.

Zinc is an essential mineral that is a necessary ingredient for the creation of hormones and for maintaining their balance; it contributes to normal fertility and reproduction, normal synthesis of DNA and proteins, and plays a role in the process of cell division. Zinc deficiency in the body is manifested by a feeling of fatigue, poor concentration and memory, muscle pain, decreased immunity, disorders of the heart and blood vessels, nervous system and infertility. Zinc in men naturally increases testosterone levels and affects libido and fertility.

Alfa Aktiv is a completely natural preparation, without added artificial substances, preservatives, dyes and hormones. When used properly and alongside regular medical check-ups, it can be used indefinitely.


Alfa Aktiv is a gluten-free product, made in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice, in compliance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015 standards and HACCP quality control systems.


Alfa Aktiv was entered into the register of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia on page 872, under the number 8713 on 15 April 2016.


Note: Keep out of reach of children. Storage: Store at room temperature. Produced by: Herba Svet DOO, Kumodraška 302, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, tel: +381 11 23 900 86,

Country of origin: Serbia (EUROPE)



We have asked our customers to describe their experience in using Alfa Aktiv:

I can recommend Alfa Aktiv. It is a very reliable preparation, it acts fast, nothing excessive like Viagra, Cialis and Kamagra. It is not a preparation of that type and it is not intended to improve potency in men. It is not even titanium gel or anything else of that sort that is advertised on the Internet. In my opinion, Alfa Aktiv is a medication and first line defence for men when the sperm is not of good quality when there are not enough motile spermatozoe; it helps with the quality of sperm in general. That is my experience with Alfa Aktiv.


All I know is that Alfa Aktiv helped us get us our first child! I am convinced that it helped me because I checked my sperm count on several occasions; it was supposed to be ideal for artificial insemination to be performed in Prague. Sperm should have been at least 80 per cent, which I managed to achieve by taking Alfa Aktiv, lemon, walnuts and honey; I took vitamin C tablets once a day and made sure not to drink alcohol during the day. My sperm count before I started using Alfa Aktiv had stood at 20 per cent. One month later, I did another test and it stood at 75 per cent – after only one month! I continued taking three Alfa Aktiv capsules a day. In Prague, my test reading was 80 per cent, which was a top result for further treatment. The eggs were fertilised successfully, it was top quality. I left my comments in their books in which I described my experience in improving my sperm count thanks to Alfa Aktiv capsules and a long-awaited boy was born!


Alfa Aktiv helped me a lot, most of all great products available on the market. My sperm count and motility have increased a lot. I feel more energetic and have a  stronger libido. As for my experience, it is all very positive and I can highly recommend it. 


I am 30 years old and have been with my girlfriend for about a year and a half. At the beginning we had intercourse almost every day, later a little less often, but still regularly. Four months ago for the first time I did not have a full erection. After a couple of attempts, I ended up not having an erection at all! I attributed it to the length of the relationship and subconsciously blamed my girlfriend. When the morning erections that I used to have regularly started to disappear, I realised that the problem was still in me. My girlfriend persuaded me to see a urologist; I was diagnosed with decreased testosterone levels; other results were fine. The doctor concluded that my problem was aggravated by chronic stress and hard work that I had been doing for a long time. He told me to take vitamin supplements and Alfa aktiv, two tablets twice a day, and to take four tablets at once a couple of hours before intercourse. I used the therapy regularly, but I was afraid that I would never have a normal relationship again and I avoided my girlfriend, getting tired and working. I saw the first sign of improvement after a couple of days, when I had a morning erection after a long time. That encouraged me a little and that evening, for the first time after a series of failures and a long break, I had a normal erection and an intercourse with my girlfriend which was as passionate as in the first days, and more than long enough!

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