PLANTIS H BALM is a natural formula based on medicinal herbs intended for the care of the external intimate area prone to inflamed haemorrhoids (piles). Its active ingredients contribute to the reduction of inflammation, have a veinotonic effect, soothe irritations and itching and have an impact on the reduction of bleeding.

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Although we often hear that someone “suffers from haemorrhoids”, haemorrhoids are actually a normal part of the human anatomy which play an important role in stool control. These are cushions of connective tissue and veins that are located in the anal canal and at its exit – they are divided into internal and external ones. We all have haemorrhoids, which is good because otherwise we would not be able to control our stool. The problem arises when the veins in haemorrhoids become inflamed or enlarged and these cushions hurt and pulsate during defecation, or in more serious cases they bulge out through the anal opening, burst and bleed. Just like internal ones, external haemorrhoids can become inflamed and bleed profusely.


In addition to pain, itching and tingling around the anus, the symptoms of inflamed haemorrhoids are often involuntary defecation and stools that have bright red blood in them. The stool, especially if hard, any physical strain and prolonged sitting can additionally irritate swollen haemorrhoids. Frequent use of laxatives disrupts bowel function and thus is conducive to inflamed haemorrhoids. People prone to inflamed haemorrhoids are those who are forced to sit for long periods of time, such as truck drivers, and people whose work requires a certain type of effort, such as trumpeters, glassblowers, or people who have internal pressure on the rectum, such as pregnant women or women who have uterine fibroids.

One of the very important factors that affects the health of haemorrhoids is the diet. Low-fibre foods cause constipation and digestive disorders. Hard stools require exertion during defecation, which contributes to the degeneration of the tissue in the anal canal and the movement of anal cushions. However, some research has shown that diarrhoea poses a higher risk than hard stools do. The fact that inflamed haemorrhoids are more common in developed countries indicates that modern lifestyle is what harms us the most. Some scientists claim that one of the culprits is our modern toilet seat: squatting is a much more natural position than sitting during defecation; what especially harms us is sitting on the toilet for a long time. Lack of physical activity, frequent overeating and obesity directly affect intestinal health.


Haemorrhoids are diagnosed on the basis of rectal examination and are often detected during colonoscopy. They are classified on the basis of the type of prolapse: In first-degree haemorrhoids, prolapse (bulging out through the anus) is not present; in second-degree haemorrhoids, prolapse occurs but haemorrhoids pull back spontaneously. In the third degree, the haemorrhoid must be pushed back manually, while in the worst, fourth degree, the prolapse is permanent and requires surgery. Naturally, as with all disorders, prevention is better than cure. A healthy diet rich in fibres, physical activity, regular and easy bowel movements will also contribute to healthy haemorrhoids. If inflammation occurs, the intake of fibres should be increased by eating whole grains, flaxseed and chia seeds, fruits, especially apples, ripe bananas and berries, green leafy vegetables and legumes. Foods rich in probiotic cultures such as yoghurt, kefir or sauerkraut will also contribute to better bowel function. And, most importantly, consumption of the sufficient amount of water is mandatory. Foods that should be avoided are those that irritate the intestinal mucosa – coffee, carbonated drinks, hot and spicy foods, as well as foods rich in trans fats and simple carbohydrates.

No matter what medical therapy is prescribed for inflamed haemorrhoids, it is very important  to maintain intimate hygiene, the irritated area should be cleaned regularly with mild soaps and patted dry. Also, there are natural solutions that soothe inflammation and pain and lead to the withdrawal of haemorrhoids.


A plant which is not widely-known is sweet yellow clover or yellow melilot (Melilotus officinalis). The dried stem of this flowering plant has been proven to be extremely effective for the treatment of inflamed veins, and by the same token for inflamed haemorrhoids. The reason why sweet yellow clover is very effective in acute inflammation are coumarins, flavonoids, saponins and phenolic acid, which have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. And just as it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the veins, sweet yellow clover soothes inflammation in the digestive system and additionally regulates digestion.

Another effective natural remedy for haemorrhoids is chestnut. Chestnut extract, Aesculus Hippocastanum, has been proven to be veinotonic and anti-inflammatory. Chestnut especially affects the ionic activity in the vein wall, primarily calcium, and thus increases their flexibility. Triterpene saponin escin, the main active component of chestnut extract, has been proven to have the power to soothe inflammation and edema. Escin also has a vasodilatory effect, which is achieved by stimulating the secretion of prostaglandin F2α.

Gotu kola, Centella asiatica, also known as a longevity plant in Ayurvedic medicine, is another medicinal plant whose flavonoids have been proven to soothe irritations and bleeding haemorrhoids and reduce edema even better than conventional therapy. Its triterpenes have an anti-inflammatory effect on veins, promote wound healing by stimulating collagen production and the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid), as well as angiogenesis. Gotu kola is therefore excellent for postoperative recovery, it shortens the period of bleeding and irritation and accelerates wound healing.

Marigold and St. John’s wort are two extremely useful herbs for haemorrhoids. Marigold flower (Calendula Officinalis) has many proven healing properties: it contributes to good hormonal balance, helps with “female” diseases, accelerates the elimination of excess water from the body, strengthens immunity and – when it comes to haemorrhoids – contributes to blood vessel health, prevents irritation and soothes itching, accelerates wound healing and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. Marigold is a powerful antioxidant, so not only does it prevent the appearance of haemorrhoids, but it also has the power to destroy cancer cells.

St. John’s wort oil (Hypericum Perforatum) is a well-known folk remedy, and its healing properties have been scientifically proven. Its compounds, hypericin, hyperforin, hyperoside, isoquercitrin and dicyclohexylamine, have an anti-inflammatory effect that is stronger than that of analgesic indomethacin. St. John’s wort soothes pain, accelerates wound epithelialisation, calms down inflammation and swelling.

In addition to these five plants that are the best natural remedy for haemorrhoids the following plants also contribute to preventing and treating them: witch hazel, bearberry, mallow, primrose, lady’s mantle, lemon balm, yarrow, broadleaf plantain, shea butter and cocoa butter. All of these ingredients are part of  Plantis H balm from the Herba Svet laboratory. This quality balm helps to prevent haemorrhoid inflammation, is useful for the treatment of already existing inflammation, and is also valuable during post-operative recovery. As it contains only natural ingredients, it is completely safe to use, it can also be used by pregnant women. Plantis H balm is applied externally to a clean and dry area up to four times a day.


PLANTIS H BALM is a product made in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP), in compliance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015; ISO 22716:2011 quality control system standards.



I frequently suffer with haemorrhoids. Due to other diseases I have difficulty moving. I have been using Plantis H balm for a couple of weeks now and the haemorrhoids have calmed down, there is no more itching, the pain has decreased and they are no longer bleeding.


I regret not having had this balm before. I’m just about to give birth, I came across it at a recent Women’s Day fair; as your company’s kind representatives told me that it was completely natural, I decided to give it a try. It literally saved me. Haemorrhoids appeared in the sixth month of pregnancy and really bothered me. After using the balm for one day only I felt relief, and a few days later the haemorrhoids decreased. I can recommend the balm to everyone, especially to pregnant women.

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