
(Persea Americana)

The Aztecs called it the fruit of fertility. In the Aztec language, it is called ahuacatl which is the word denoting a part of male anatomy which looks like it. When the English encountered it for the first time they wrongly pronounced its name and since then it has been known as “alligator pear”. In South America it is called “winter apple”. Its scientific name is Persea Americana. It has gained fame thanks to ahuacamolli – the famous guacamole sauce. Yes, that is avocado. In effect, alligator pear describes it well: its skin is greenish, uneven, just like an alligator’s and the fruit is pear-shaped. But a more suitable name would be – the fruit of the gods, because what hides under the skin is the meaty and extremely nutritious part of the fruit.

Healthy food

If we were to make a list of the healthiest fruits of nature, avocado would surely be at the very top. Avocado is extremely rich in vitamins E, K, C, B5, B6, biotin, folates, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and slightly smaller amounts of vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3. A mere 100 grams of this fruit contains 15 grams of extremely healthy fats and has only 160 calories. Avocado has a low percentage of carbohydrates, it contains no cholesterol, sodium or saturated fats. That is why it is an ideal ingredient in various diets.

Avocado has a higher percentage of potassium than banana and is a real friend to persons suffering from high blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels, heart patients, those at risk from brain haemorrhage and those with kidney problems. An even more important reason for heart patients to embrace it is the fact that this fruit of paradise abounds in unsaturated fatty acids which are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The largest proportion of fats in avocado is the oleic acid which can also be found in olive oil.

Modern clinical studies have confirmed that avocados protect the cardiovascular system by significantly reducing the level of total cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood and increasing the level of good cholesterol. Therefore, this fruit should form part of a healthy diet for those who have a family history of heart disease, who are recovering from a heart attack, stroke, or to whom the body’s high blood pressure and cholesterol levels are a sure sign that something needs to be done to prevent these severe disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Oleic acid helps fight inflammation, inhibits tumour growth and reduces the negative effects of chemotherapy. It has been proven that avocados reduce the risk of prostate cancer and prevent the growth of existing cancer cells. Avocado also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps people suffering from osteoarthritis because it accelerates the work of the liver and helps eliminate toxins from the body thanks to the powerful antioxidant glutathione. But that is not all: avocado has two other exceptional ingredients – lutein and zeaxanthin, which keep our eyes healthy. These carotenoids protect our retina from degeneration and prevent cataracts.

When we eat avocado, calories cannot cause us harm

In addition to lowering blood pressure, avocados also have the power to lower our blood sugar levels. Good fibres and D-Mannoheptulose, a type of sugar in avocado, give us the feeling of satiety for a long time because they ensure that we do not experience sudden fluctuations in sugar levels. In addition, these fibres are soluble and thus they feed beneficial gut bacteria which aid our digestion and protect our immunity. We all know that it is not sufficient just to eat healthy ingredients, but the body needs help to absorb them.

A study has proven that if we add avocado oil to a salad, we increase the absorption of antioxidants by two to 15 times. Avocado oil is also suitable for cooking because it tolerates heat well. So avocado is healthy in itself, but in addition to its useful ingredients, it helps to make better use of nutrients from other foods. This is another reason why avocado is a super food and an ideal ingredient in a weight loss diet, because it breaks down bad fats and at the same time nourishes our body and protects our health. And although it is strong and fatty, avocado calories are practically reduced to a minimum: if we know that 100 grams of butter has as many as 717 calories, 160 calories that 100 grams of avocado contain sound incredibly small. When we try to lose weight, we often avoid all fats, which is wrong, so it is important to know which fats are good for us.

Therefore, next time you go food-shopping and you reach for a highly-processed meat product full of preservatives – stop and think – walk to the vegetable section and buy avocado. Crush it and spread it over a slice of seeded bread, sprinkle paprika and sesame seeds over it. If you add to it a boiled egg you will end up with a very healthy meal.

We can prepare avocado in countless ways, and even make delicious mayonnaise from it, which we can use as a side dish, sauce or spread for sandwiches. This healthy, tropical fruit gives us the best of itself, and it is up to us to apply culinary creativity.

Avocado is very good for the skin

Avocado is not only used as food, it can also be used in creams. A high concentration of vitamins and essential fatty acids in avocado oil regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Its oil has anti-bacterial properties and helps heal wounds, acne and dermatitis and relieve itching in eczema and psoriasis. Thanks to a high content of beta carotene, it helps us tan nicely without burning, and at the same time it does not block the process of vitamin D synthesis, of course with moderate sun exposure; it is especially useful in sunburns.

Although avocado oil is curative for serious skin disorders such as psoriasis, it can also be used for daily skin care. It is most suitable for dry and mature skin as it hydrates it, softens it, alleviates hyperpigmentation, soothes rosacea, and even alleviates and removes age spots. That is why it is a common ingredient in face care creams and face masks. If we add it to the hair care, it will very quickly prove to us that it has the power to accelerate hair growth, prevent hair loss and strengthen its roots.

Avocado oil is just one of the ingredients in the excellent Devi skin regeneration balm. This completely natural cream professionally made in Herba Svet laboratories helps heal skin conditions, soothe their symptoms and consequences, speed up wound healing, reduce scars and blemishes and can also be used for our daily skin care. A divine cream cannot contain anything less than the fruit of the gods.

The following products contain this plant:

Devi melem nega peta
Avocado fruit on the tree

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