Thrown off the Track by Hormones

Do you suffer from acne, memory fog, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety or sleep disorder? Do you often feel frustrated, extremely emotional and find it difficult to stop binge eating? Do you have tension headaches, IBS, sudden weight gain and experience extreme flatulence? Is loss of libido ruining your relationship or marriage?

Do you know that all of these symptoms and conditions can be caused by hormonal imbalance? Our modern way of living made us drift too far away from nature. We often use medications, we are swamped with toxic plastic and polluted air, we give in to unhealthy diet rich in fats, sugars and meat full of steroids and antibiotics, we sit for too long, we don’t get enough sunshine, and we are on the Pill. As a consequence, we are witnesses of an epidemic of hormonal imbalance among women all around the world.

It may take a while before we realize that the symptoms we have been having are caused by hormonal imbalance. Apart from the reproductive system, it can harm the thyroid, the bones and muscles, the heart and veins and it can increase risk of tumors. When it hits the uterus and ovaries, apart from the above mentioned conditions, it can also cause:

·         irregular or missed periods
·         trouble in conceiving
·         PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome)
·         ovarian cysts
·         cervical lesions
·         endometriosis
·         uterine fibroids
·         pre-menstrual symptoms
·         menstrual cramps and excessive bleeding during periods
·         fibrocystic breasts.
Once we get thrown off the track, going back is not easy. We are grateful to modern medicine for all the advances in various treatments of serious diseases, but when it comes to the hormones, apart from the synthetic substitutes, it does not have much to offer. Since the problem is caused by our drifting away from the nature, the solution, logically, would be to get closer to it once again.

Throughout history, women sought help in green fields and woods. There is a vast traditional knowledge that cannot be denied even by modern science. Certain herbs help, and clinical trials have confirmed that the traditional beliefs are well founded.

Lady’s mantle has been used for ages for female ailments and infertility. It contains tannins which have a strong astringent effect, thus preventing heavy bleeding, which explains why women with heavy, painful menstruations and uterine fibroids find it helpful. Studies proved that lady’s mantle is an efficient tumor inhibitor. Its effect on gastrointestinal disorders has also been proven.

Yarrow, known since ancient times, is known to alleviate cramps and pain, especially in the lower pelvic region. Its flavonoids have a spasmolytic effect, while pro-azulene soothes inflammations. It is an excellent remedy for painful periods.

Marigold can heal wounds, reduce inflammation, kill microbes and parasites and is an excellent diuretic. It prevents water retention during the pre-menstrual phase, and is a potent healer of uterine wounds, cysts and fibroids. Marigold is also used for dysmenorrhea.

Crane’s bill is another very potent herb and healer of wounds, it regulates blood circulation and works as a mild sedative. It is a strong antioxidant which prevents infections and boosts the immunity. It also contains tannins which prevent heavy bleeding.

Golden maca has been used for over two millennia in traditional medicine of the Andes as an adaptogenic herb, helping the body to adapt to harsh environmental conditions, increasing stamina and endurance. It balances hormones and has a very beneficial overall effect, both on the body and mind. It eliminates depression and brain fog, and is particularly useful in stopping the pre-menstrual energy and mood roller-coaster. Its alkaloids work against infertility.

Shepherd’s purse can regulate uterine contraction, blood flow and balance menstrual bleeding. It heals wounds and burns and is also very beneficial for the heart.

These six medicinal herbs, together with zinc which is a potent essential element and antioxidant, are assembled in Femisan A in well-studied doses, aiming to help women from the moment they enter puberty, till the menopause. Femisan A, the potent protector of women, brings us closer to nature.

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