Maca, Super Food

Blueberries, salmon, turmeric, goji berries, coco, chia seeds, spinach, kefir, garlic, avocado… Not a day goes by without us coming across reports about foodstuffs that have extreme nutritional properties, brimming with anti-oxidants, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals. Some research shows that including them in our daily diet reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, increases our life expectancy and the quality of life, makes us more resistant to viruses and helps us maintain our desired body weight more easily. Such foods have been named super foods.

Today, more than ever before we can find a great variety of foodstuffs from all corners of the world in our shops. Even though we must not overlook locally-grown produce which has been feeding generations of our ancestors, it is worth trying something new brought to us from a far-flung place, such as this super food from Peru.

What does maca contain?

  • Over 20 amino acids, of which 8 are essential
  • 20 fatty acids, including lauric, oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic acids
  • Vitamins B1, B2, C and E
  • Minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, sulfur, sodium and iron.

How can maca help us?

Maca balances the hormones, promotes fertility and improves male and female reproductive health. It helps reduce the unpleasant symptoms of PMS and polycystic ovary syndrome since it balances the levels of oestrogen. That effect can be seen in our complexion which becomes clearer and acne-free. Maca accelerates regeneration and helps us quickly recover from fatigue and illness. It is indispensable during menopause as well as in under-active thyroid as it raises our energy levels and reduces depression. In men, it balances testosterone levels, increases the production and mobility of spermatozoa and helps with symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Studies have shown that maca successfully resolves sexual dysfunction and increases libido in both men and women.

Studies have confirmed that people who regularly used maca benefited from increased energy levels as well as an improvement in their memory and mood. Unlike caffeine which quickly lifts our energy level which drops soon thereafter, maca maintains a good balance of energy and blood sugar levels for a long time. Maca is an extremely good ally to people who suffer or are prone to depression and anxiety. This plant has the power to regulate the work of the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland which are responsible for hormonal functions of the body.

Maca is a natural antioxidant. It raises the level of superoxide dismutase, a powerful cleanser of free radicals. Also, maca increases the level of gluthatione, an antioxidant capable of preventing damage to important cellular components. In that way it prevents chronic diseases caused by bad cholesterol and disrupted glucose intolerance, as it balances cholesterol and reduces the glucose, which makes it ideal for those who suffer from heart problems and diabetes. Even though there are no known side effects in the use of maca, people who are seriously ill must consult their physician before using it.

How is maca consumed? It is usually available in powder form, and the simplest way is to put a spoonful of its powder in a fruit or vegetable smoothie. A combination of banana, apple, celery, carrot, a few leaves of Swiss chard, pieces of fresh ginger, some berries and a spoonful of maca mixed in a blender is guaranteed to increase your energy level and protect you from viruses even in a flu season.

But there is even an easier way of getting your daily intake of maca. For years Femisan A has been helping women with reproductive system problems, PMS and infertility. Even though there are no side effects, one should bear in mind that Femisan A is an alcoholic tincture to which some people may be allergic. That is the reason why Femisan A is also available in the pill form fortified with zinc and super concentrate of golden maca.

Femisan A plus golden maca combine the exceptional properties of the famous Femisan A product and those contained in this extraordinary plant.

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