Sales information / Business Information

Full name of the legal entity: Herba Svet, company for manufacturing of preparations d.o.o., Belgrade (Čukarica)

Identity number: 17145339

PIB tax number: 101747660

Contact information: herbasvet/at/herbasvet/dot/com, +381 11 23 900 86

Method of payment: within the Republic of Serbia, you can order products from the “Basket” to arrive by cash on delivery, where you will pay by courier services (courier services charge additional costs according to their price lists), or you can pay by card (Visa, Maestro, MasterCard, DinaCard). All other areas require card payment (Visa, Maestro, MasterCard).

Delivery and restrictions: on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, courier services AKS and Post Express. Outside the territory of the Republic of Serbia, by Post of Serbia to the border of the Republic of Serbia, and then by local post offices. We do not deliver to the Republic of Ireland, the Philippines, Switzerland, Uganda, Albania, Austria, Sweden and Denmark.

Terms of use: As each country defines the laws on the circulation of goods and services, it may happen that INDEPENDENT OF US, some services calculate additional costs for our goods and services, (costs of postage, opening and control of packages, customs, re-delivery, change of delivery address, etc. It is recommended to check whether there are any special prohibitions for the country from which the order is made.

When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a protected (encrypted) form. Payment card information is not available to our system at any time.

All payments will be made in Serbian currency – dinars (RSD). The amount for which your credit card account will be charged is obtained by converting the price in the displayed currency into Serbian dinars according to the current exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia. When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted to your local currency at the exchange rate of the credit card association/your issuing bank. As a result of this conversion there may be a slight difference to the original price shown on our website and your credit card statement. Thank you for your understanding.

Complaints policy: If you bought the product in an online store, please inspect your package in the presence of the courier when picking up the shipment. In case of visible damage (torn or crushed parts), do not accept the package. In that case, call us at +381 11 23 900 86 and we will inform you about the further procedure as soon as possible.

If you received the shipment and after opening the package you found that the delivered product is not in accordance with your order or if the order information is incorrect, contact us no later than 24 hours after receiving the shipment.

In case of product inconsistency in terms of the Consumer Protection Act, please contact us.

We will respond to your complaint as soon as possible, and no later than 2 days after receiving the complaint in written or electronic form, and inform you about the further procedure. The deadline for solving the complaint is 2 days from its submission.

In the case of returning the product to the customer who paid for the product to the courier (payment upon delivery), the cost of returning the product will not be covered by Herba Svet doo and will be borne by the customer.

In the case of returning goods and refunding funds to a customer who previously paid with one of the payment cards, in part or in full, and regardless of the reason for the return, OTP banka a.d. is obliged to refund the funds exclusively via VISA, EC/MC, Maestro and Dinacard payment methods, which means that the bank will refund the funds to the account of the payment card user at the seller’s request.

Select your currency
RSD Serbian dinar
EUR Euro